
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Webseite / responsible for the content of this website:

the FARMhouse
Anastasia Gabathuler
Box 664
Outjo / Namibia

Copyright The FARMhouse, Outjo / Namibia

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Diese Webseite wurde als "Spende" zur Unterstützung lokalen Gewerbes in Namibia erstellt und weist als solche ausschliesslich auf das Angebot des "FARMhouse Boutique und Restaurant" vor Ort hin. Die Erstellung der Webseite "" und deren Veröffentlichung erfolgen unentgeltlich und ohne Zugewinn.

All content is protected by copyright, all rights reserved.
Reprints, making them publicly accessible, in particular by including them in third-party websites and oline services, links to the site "" and reproductions on data carriers of all kinds, e.g. CD-ROMs may only be made with the prior written consent of the website owner or webmaster.

I assume no liability for content on external websites to which reference is made by a link and content that is expressly marked as third-party content, for example by means of a copyright notice or corresponding branding.

This website was created as a donation to support local business in Namibia and as such only refers to the offer of the "Farmhouse Boutique and Restaurant" on site. The creation of the website and its publication are free of charge and without profit.